Our beer festivals take place every other month and get a little bigger and better every time! This festival lasts from 23 to 26 May with ‘meet the brewer’ events on 23 May (Mighty Oak Brewery) and 26 May (Old Cannon Brewery). We’ve just won the CAMRA branch pub of the season and we also accept the 50p off CAMRA vouchers.

For our second festival in May 2024, we’ll have over thirty different real ales and ciders. We have beers from Moon Gazer, Adnams, Lacons, Old Cannon Brewery Nethergate, Buxton, Oakham, Mauldons, Mighty Oak and several others. These include:

Growling Dog Raspberry Milk Stout (Nethergate)

Red Jaspa (Mighty Oak)

Balmy Days (Adnams / Vocation Collab)

Right to Roam (Buxton)

Green and Pleasant Land (Nethergate)

Full Steam Ahead (Mighty Oak)

First Light (Lacons)

Growling Dog Milk Stout (Nethergate)

Cascade IPA (Mighty Oak)

Outcast (Mighty Oak)

Phoenix (Mighty Oak)

Blonde (Old Cannon Brewery)

Best Bitter (Old Cannon Brewery)

Copper Head (Nethergate)

Kings Citra Hop (Mighty Oak)

Mortar Board (Mighty Oak)

Stotart (Moon Gazer)

Skidaddler (Moon Gazer)

Cheeky Jack (Moon Gazer)

Pintail (Moon Gazer)

Nibbler (Moon Gazer)

Jumper (Moon Gazer)

Jigfoot (Moon Gazer)

Our usual four permanent lines from Burwell Brewery will also be available. Not all beers will be available throughout the entire festival, but we’ll do our best to have a wide selection.

We have advance tickets for £25 which get you five pints (or ten half pints) and a free pizza. You can pay by cash or card at the pub in advance (by 22 May for advance tickets) or pay at:


E-mail star@lidgatestar.co.uk for more information.